
Visit Nigeria

Nigeria, a country in Africa is one of the greatest oil producers in the region. The oil is harvested in the Niger Delta. It has witnessed a lot of political turmoil and it still remains an academic hub. It’s not uncommon to find that almost half of the Nigerians are graduates. This is a great thing for Africa, a continent viewed to be backward in development. It is also home to African literature academic giants. Nigeria’s writers include Chinua Achebe who has written Africa great literature books like a ‘Man of the People’, which has been occasionally selected as a set book for students for national examinations.

There is also the greatest university known as the School of Ibadan. Though it began in the colonial times it has produced some of Africa’s professors who are now based in international universities. Nigerians talk in a very funny accent and you have to be very attentive to understand what they are telling you. Nigeria is the largest producer of African Films. It’s no wonder that their films are everywhere in the market. They are very popular.

It has produced very great actors and most African television stations prefer Nigerian movies during entertainment hours. Many Africans are also enthralled by the Nigerian films and buy hundreds of their DVDs. Their roads are also very fine and the people have so much love for the Peugeot and Mercedes cars. They also love big cars and their films are full of stories of people living large.…