
The Wonders of Italy

Fine wine, tasty food, and scenery that will have one seemingly stepping back in time. Italy and its various regions in my opinion and that of the millions of tourists who frequent the country annually are unique wonders. 

The Italian countryside is lined with miles of vineyards that appear endless. Over the years the locals have perfected the perfect way of converting the various grapes into the most exquisite tasting barrels of wine. For wine enthusiasts, a visit to Italy is nothing short of a well-deserved vacation.

The meal options in Italy could very easily become described as a personal vanity for many. Italian cuisine is one that has shaped and affected the entire world. I mean, where would we be without pizza or pasta? But you haven’t really tasted these until you have tried them at the hands of a traditional Italian chef. 

Other than food and wine, Italy’s landscape is one that has earned itself a reputation as one of the most beautiful and romantic ones in Europe. Magnificent mountains, endless stretches of farmland as well as undisturbed forests and localities. All of these come together to make the country a unique quality.

If you are contemplating a vacation, Italy is undoubtedly “the breath of fresh air” you need.